Accessibility information
- updated on July 21, 2023Filter information by need
Transportation and parking
- Public transport nearby :
- No parking spaces within the establishment
- Parking spaces nearby including adapted and reserved spaces
Path to entrance
- Clearly visible entrance
- No door
- Ground-level entrance
- No possibility of human assistance
- No specific entrance for people with reduced mobility
Reception and equipment
- Path to reception on one level
- Minimum width of 90 cm throughout the circulation leading to reception
- No staff
- No toilets
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Created by by ambassadeur.accessibilite, as an administration on 21/07/2023Last update on 21/07/2023
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Arrêt de bus Dôme
Plusieurs accès plain-pied via des passages piétons avec renfoncements et bandes d’éveil à proximité ou accès par 1 marche continue contrastée.