Accessibility information
- updated on Dec. 28, 2023Filter information by need
Transportation and parking
- Public transport nearby :
- No parking spaces within the establishment
- Parking spaces nearby including adapted and reserved spaces
Path to entrance
- Clearly visible entrance
- Door automatique coulissante
- Width of at least 80 cm
- Glass door
- Presence of 1 step ascending to reach the entrance
- Presence of a ramp amovible
- Calling device at the entrance
Reception and equipment
- Reception close to the entrance
- Path to reception on one level
- Presence of hearing and comprehension aids : french sign language, completed spoken french, subtitling or simultaneous transcription
- Classic toilets
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Created by by DDT12-EE, as an administration on 26/04/2022Last update on 26/04/2022
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Bus Agglobus Ligne A Arrêt place Foch