Hôtel Le Nautile
21 Allée des Mimosas 17370 Saint-Trojan-les-Bains
Accessibility information
- updated on April 13, 2023Label Tourisme & Handicap Hearing disability, Mental disability, Motor disability, Visual disability

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Transportation and parking
- Parking spaces within the establishment including adapted and reserved spaces
Path to entrance
- Outside walkway on ground-level
- Covering adapted to the passage of a wheelchair
- Minimum width of 90 cm all the way
- Ground-level entrance
Reception and equipment
- Adapted toilets
- 1 wheelchair-accessible room
- Italian shower (flat tray)
- Embossed room numbers
- Alert equipment by light flash or vibration
- Personalized accompaniment to present the room
Ces informations ont été importées depuis data.gouv.fr: https://www.data.gouv.fr/en/datasets/marque-detat-tourisme-handicap/

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