Bed and breakfast, guest house
Quai du Châtelet 45000 Orléans
Accessibility information
- updated on May 18, 2024Label Tourisme & Handicap Hearing disability, Mental disability, Visual disability

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Transportation and parking
- Public transport nearby :
- Parking spaces within the establishment including adapted and reserved spaces
- Parking spaces nearby including adapted and reserved spaces
Path to entrance
- No guide strip
- Outside walkway on ground-level
- Covering adapted to the passage of a wheelchair
- Presence of a slope importante of length longue
- No slope
- Minimum width of 90 cm all the way
- The entrance is not clearly visible
- No sound beacon
- Door manuelle battante
- Width of at least 80 cm
- Glass door with contrasting elements on the glass part
- Ground-level entrance
- Human help possible
- No calling device
Presence of a specific secondary entrance dedicated to people with a disability
L'accès au bateau se fait avec un hayon de type automobile.
Reception and equipment
- Reception close to the entrance
- Path to reception on one level
- Minimum width of 90 cm throughout the circulation leading to reception
- Staff sensitized or trained
- Presence of hearing and comprehension aids : magnetic induction loop
- Adapted toilets
- 1 wheelchair-accessible room
- Italian shower (flat tray) with shower seatAndwith grab bar
- Toilets with usage space and with grab bar
- Alert equipment by light flash or vibration
- Personalized accompaniment to present the room
Accessibility and Compliance Register
- Register available :
Le bateau est complètement accessible aux 4 types de handicap, mais hélas pas son environnement, c'est-à-dire les quais de Loire.

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Created by by Regis, as a manager on 1/08/2023Last update on 26/01/2024
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Sur réservation, un Taxi PMR vient vous chercher aux différentes gares orléanaises !
L'accès au ponton est aménagé par la ville d'Orléans.