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48 Cours Louis de Chazelles 56100 Lorient

Accessibility information

- updated on July 6, 2023

Filter information by need

Transportation and parking

    Path to entrance


        Reception and equipment

        • Presence of hearing and comprehension aids : french sign language, completed spoken french, subtitling or simultaneous transcription
        Des personnages cochant une liste

        Do you want to follow the developments of this file?

        Created by by gdemoulin, on 30/08/2022
        Last update on 6/07/2023
        View history

        Changes history

        by gdemoulin on 6/07/2023 à 15:02
        Field Old value New value
        Type of equipment for audio description Vide None
        updated_at 2023-07-06 à 13:01 2023-07-06 à 13:02
        by gdemoulin on 6/07/2023 à 15:01
        Field Old value New value
        updated_at 2023-07-06 à 13:00 2023-07-06 à 13:01
        by gdemoulin on 6/07/2023 à 15:00
        Field Old value New value
        user_id Vide 5895
        Exemple de widget

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