Pharmacie D. Douchez
445 Avenue de la Gare 77310 Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry
Accessibility information
- updated on Feb. 12, 2024Filter information by need
Transportation and parking
- Public transport nearby :
- Parking spaces within the establishment
Path to entrance
- The entrance is not clearly visible
- No sound beacon
- Door automatique coulissante
- Width of at least 80 cm
- Glass door with contrasting elements on the glass part
- Presence of 4 steps ascending to reach the entrance
- Unsafe walking and Equipped with one or more handrails
- No ramp
- No elevator
- No possibility of human assistance
- No calling device
Reception and equipment
- Reception far from the entrance
- Presence of 4 steps ascending to reach reception
- Unsecured step(s)
- No stationary or removable ramps
- No elevator
- Minimum width of 90 cm throughout the circulation leading to reception
- Untrained staff
- No toilets
Sur le coté il y a une allée en pente

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Created by by ThierryANRH, as a user on 12/02/2024Last update on 12/02/2024
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Arrêt de Bus : Fercot : 21;3660;3662