Point information jeunesse - Stains of Stains (93)

Step 6 of 7

Accessibility information

Reception and services

Visibility of the reception area

Is the reception area (reception desk, cashier, secretary, etc.) visible from the building entrance?

Pathway between the main entrance of the building and the reception of the facility

Once you have entered the building, is the path to the reception of the facility ground-level, i.e. without any step or step greater than 2 centimeters? (attention, level does not mean flat, but without a sudden break in level)


Is there an elevator?

Indicate 0 if there are no steps nor stairs

Direction of the staircase

What is the direction of circulation of the steps or staircase?

Identification of the steps or staircase

Is the staircase safe: contrasting stair nosings, warning strips at the top of the stairs, contrasting first and last risers?


Is the staircase equipped with one or more handrails?


If there is a ramp with a gentle slope, is it stationary or removable?

Path narrowing

Are there one or more narrowings (less than 90 centimeters) in the path used by the public to reach the reception area?

Reception staff

If the staff is present, are they trained or aware of how to welcome people with disabilities?


Does the facility offer audiodescription?

Type of equipment for audio description

Presence of hearing and comprehension aids

Is the reception equipped with products dedicated to facilitating communication between staff and people who have difficulty hearing, understanding or speaking?

List of hearing and communication aids

Select the equipment or services available at the reception of the facility:


Are toilets available to the public?

Adapted toilets

Are there adapted toilets available to the public?