Mairie de Err of Err (66)

Step 5 of 7

Accessibility information


Easily identifiable entrance

Are there elements that facilitate the identification of the entrance to the facility (street number nearby, sign, vegetation, contrasting architectural elements, etc.)?

Is there a door?

Is there a door at the facility entrance?

Door handling

How does the door open?

Type of door

What is the type of door?

Glazed entrance

Is the front door glazed?

Identification of the glass

Are there any contrasting elements (stickers, woodwork or other elements) to identify the glazed door?

Calling device at the entrance

Is there a device to allow someone to signal their presence at the entrance?

Type of call device at the entrance

What type(s) of calling devices are present?

Ground level entrance

Is the entrance ground-level, i.e. without steps or a step greater than 2 centimeters?


Is there an elevator?

Indicate 0 if there are no steps nor stairs

Direction of the staircase

What is the direction of circulation of the steps or staircase?

Identification of the steps

Is the staircase safe: contrasting stair nosings, warning strips at the top of the stairs, contrasting first and last risers?


Is the staircase equipped with one or more handrails?


If there is a ramp with a gentle slope, is it stationary or removable?

Audio location signal at the entrance

Is the entrance equipped with an audio location signal to facilitate its location by a blind or visually impaired person?

Human assistance

Presence or possibility of a human assistance to move

If the width is not precisely known, indicate a minimum value. Example: the width is between 90 and 100 centimeters; indicate 90.

No specific entrance for people with reduced mobility

Is there a specific secondary entrance for people with reduced mobility?

Details on how to access the specific PRM entrance