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Computer science

Avenue de Langres 21000 Dijon

Accessibility information

- updated on April 18, 2023

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Transportation and parking

    Path to entrance


        Reception and equipment

          Des personnages cochant une liste

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          Created by by fredchl, as an administration on 10/06/2022
          Last update on 10/06/2022
          View history

          Changes history

          by i.cappelli on 22/01/2023 à 21:30
          Field Old value New value
          geom 47.3570, 5.0502 47.3446, 5.0453
          site_internet Vide https://www.msi-nord.fr/
          contact_url Vide https://goo.gl/maps/Gncf8hbptQtYCvax6
          by fredchl on 10/06/2022 à 15:12
          Field Old value New value
          user_type system admin
          published Non Oui
          by fredchl on 10/06/2022 à 15:12
          Field Old value New value
          List of hearing and communication aids Vide None
          by fredchl on 10/06/2022 à 15:12
          Field Old value New value
          Is there a door? None Yes
          by fredchl on 10/06/2022 à 15:12
          Field Old value New value
          geom 47.3446, 5.0453 47.3570, 5.0502
          Exemple de widget

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