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Chocolaterie Grain de Sail


7 Rue du Cosquer 29600 Morlaix

Accessibility information

- updated on July 26, 2024

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Transportation and parking

  • Public transport nearby :

    Bus Linéotim :
    Ligne 2 : arrêt Vierge Noire
    Ligne 3 : arrêt Clinique de la Baie

  • Parking spaces within the establishment including adapted and reserved spaces
  • Parking spaces nearby including adapted and reserved spaces

Path to entrance

  • Outside walkway on ground-level
  • Covering adapted to the passage of a wheelchair


  • Clearly visible entrance
  • Width of at least 80 cm
  • Ground-level entrance

Reception and equipment

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    Created by by mfm, on 22/02/2024
    Last update on 26/07/2024
    View history

    Changes history

    by mfm on 26/07/2024 à 10:29
    Field Old value New value
    Type of equipment for audio description Vide None
    List of hearing and communication aids Vide None
    updated_at 2024-07-26 à 08:28 2024-07-26 à 08:29
    by mfm on 26/07/2024 à 10:28
    Field Old value New value
    Easily identifiable entrance Unknown Yes
    Type of call device at the entrance Vide None
    Width of the door 80 90
    by mfm on 26/07/2024 à 10:28
    Field Old value New value
    Outside path Unknown Yes
    Outside walkway on ground-level Unknown Yes
    Exterior cladding Unknown Yes
    by mfm on 26/07/2024 à 10:28
    Field Old value New value
    Proximity to a public transportation stop Unknown Yes
    Additional information Vide Bus Linéotim : Ligne 2 : arrêt Vierge Noire Ligne 3 : arrêt Clinique de la Baie
    Parking near the facility Unknown Yes
    Adapted parking close to the facility Unknown Yes
    Width of the door 90 80
    updated_at 2024-02-22 à 13:26 2024-07-26 à 08:28
    by mfm on 26/07/2024 à 10:27
    Field Old value New value
    user_id Vide 12349
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